• Relieve Your Lower Back Pains with These 3 Exercises

    Poor body posture, lifting heavy weights, and sometimes even wearing and walking in heels can lead to lower back pains. These pains are usually discomforting and may hinder you from doing other activities. Knowing what to do when you start having lower back pains is important. Fortunately, you can actually relieve your lower back pains with a series of exercises. Here are some of them and how they can help relieve the pains. [Read More]

  • Have a Sedentary Job? Here's How to Avoid Neck and Shoulder Tension

    Advancements in the modern technology are making it possible for people to get their work done without having to move around or engage in any physical activities. If you have a sedentary job that involves sitting too much, you may notice that you have a severe headache, back pain, or neck and shoulder tension at the end of the day. Excessive sitting is bad for your health, as it exerts twice as much pressure on the spine as when you are standing. [Read More]

  • Massage Therapy: The Numerous Health Benefits You Can Enjoy

    When some people consider massage therapy, they assume that it is simply a pampering treat for your body. Although massages do help in making you feel relaxed, this is not the only benefit. Massage therapy can provide you with a tremendous boost to your health, which would enhance your overall wellbeing. Below is an outline of some of the numerous health benefits that you can enjoy from massage therapy. Massage therapy can help in decreasing stress levels [Read More]

  • Chiropractic Care: Why Your Child Will Benefit From It

    Although a significant number of adults are aware of chiropractic care, they tend to associate it as a form of therapy exclusively used by grownups and seniors. The reality of the matter is that anybody of any age can reap the benefits of musculoskeletal alignment, even children. Regular chiropractic sessions will not only alleviate any discomfort that your child may be experiencing, but it can also function as a preventative form of treatment. [Read More]

  • Treating Back Pain Without Medication

    Back pain is an extremely common problem that most will face during their lifetimes. Severity of backache can range from a slight discomfort to a debilitating, crippling pain that impacts heavily on the activities of daily living. Those who suffer from back pain may experience not only the physical effects of the condition but the emotional aspects also: isolation, anxiety and distress. Back pain can be costly too. Not only can it force some into unemployment and financial hardship, but industry and the economy experience heavy losses in the form of staff absence, compensation and sick pay. [Read More]

  • Chiropractic Care For Newborn Babies

    If you already attend a chiropractic clinic as an adult, you may be wondering if registering your baby for a check-up would be worthwhile. So, what could your local children's chiropractor do for your little one? Read on for more information. Chiropractic care for babies Just like adults, kids can be subject to musculoskeletal problems that can cause pain or limit movement; even newborns can suffer cranial or spinal trauma during their journey down the birth canal. [Read More]

  • Be a Wise Man About Back Pain This Christmas

    Christmas discomforts can extend far beyond sunburn from the beach or indigestion from too many prawns and pudding. Many healthcare professionals see an increase in lower back pain over the silly season. The culprits may surprise you, but the pain can ruin your festivities. By being aware of the dangers and seeking appropriate help, you can reduce your risk of back pain this Christmas. Shopping for trouble Hitting the shopping centres and CBDs for presents can cause damage to your back. [Read More]