Have a Sedentary Job? Here's How to Avoid Neck and Shoulder Tension

Posted on: 21 December 2016

Advancements in the modern technology are making it possible for people to get their work done without having to move around or engage in any physical activities. If you have a sedentary job that involves sitting too much, you may notice that you have a severe headache, back pain, or neck and shoulder tension at the end of the day. Excessive sitting is bad for your health, as it exerts twice as much pressure on the spine as when you are standing. Prolonged back pain, headaches, and neck and shoulder tension will eventually affect your performance at work.

What if you have no option but to spend the whole day seated behind a desk? Here are some measures that you can take to maintain proper health.

Maintain a good posture

Bad posture is among the leading causes of back pain and neck and should tension among people who spend most of their hours seated. If you tend to hunch forward into the desk or slag back against your chair, you are not sitting correctly. Try sitting up straight with the shoulders back and maintain the natural arch of your back. However, to achieve this, you need to invest in a good chair and working desk. If you use a computer, your desk and chair should be designed such that you don't have to bend your neck to see the screen properly. Have a chair that's comfortable and offers adequate back support.

Take regular breaks

Taking a five-minute break to stand, stretch and walk around can make a big difference in preventing neck and shoulder tension as a result of excessive sitting. Have a habit of standing and walking around after every hour or so to relieve your body of the stress. Stretch your arms, slowly move your neck in a rotational motion, and massage your shoulders with your hands to ease the pressure. At the end of the day, you will feel much better than if you just sat through the entire day.

Try stretching exercises

Stretching exercises can help ease any tension that the body may have experienced during the day. Try yoga stretches to reduce back pain and neck and shoulder tension. You can browse through the numerous stretching tutorials, guides and videos on the internet and find a routine that seems comfortable and convenient for you. There are short stretches that you can practice before your bedtime. Not only will you get relief from the tension, but you may also get better sleep, as the exercises are gentle and soothing.

Practice these tips to maintain good overall health, even if your job involves long hours of sitting. If you still experience pain in the back, neck and shoulders, you can visit a chiropractor for an adjustment.
