How Are You Dealing with Stress at the Moment?

Posted on: 15 December 2021

The word "stressed" seems very generic and is often used as a throwaway term. Yet, the condition is very real and does affect a lot of people. But what can you do if you truly feel that you are under stress and may not know the answer? Read on to learn more about how chiropractic treatment can address several aspects of stress. 

Grim Reading

Before the pandemic, the stats were not that great. No fewer than 74% of UK adults feel unable to cope or otherwise felt overwhelmed due to high levels of stress. This figure is even higher for women and younger people. With more situations or circumstances that are out of people's control, it's little wonder that many people do not know what to do or where to turn for help.

Consider Chiropractic Treatment

While there are many different coping mechanisms, including lifestyle changes, exercise and meditation, you may also benefit from a visit to your local chiropractor. Remember, they target certain areas of the body that can be significantly affected by stress, and an adjustment may often help release the tension and improve matters.

For example, when people get very stressed, they may tend to tense their muscles, especially in the shoulder and upper back. When the muscles get tight, this can have a knock-on effect leading to tension headaches, neck pain and fatigue. A strategic adjustment may help to improve the situation.

Remember that many of your neurological systems travel around your spinal cord. If you are chronically stressed, then your spine may be out of alignment. You will need to restore this as soon as possible, and this should also give you more energy to fight the average day.

Address Your Diet

It's no secret that people tend to overeat when they are very stressed and that they may especially turn to junk food. After all, they may not have the capacity to prepare a healthy meal as there is so much else going on, and it's much easier to follow the "takeaway" option. If you find that this is a major problem in your life, don't be afraid to talk this through with your chiropractor as well. They take a rounded view of your health and well-being and may give you some nutritional counselling or advise specific supplements that your body might need.

Don't try to deal with high levels of stress by yourself. Talk the situation through with friends and family and get professional advice if needed. You may also want to schedule a visit to your chiropractor for their input.
