How A Chiropractor Can Treat Your Neck Pain

Posted on: 18 May 2023

Neck pain is a relatively common complaint and can have a significant impact on your range of motion and ability to concentrate on daily tasks, as the pain can be constant and distracting. It's common for those experiencing neck pain to make a GP appointment, and GPs tend to offer painkillers and anti-inflammatories. These medications can be effective, but if you're keen to resolve your neck pain without the use of prescription drugs, chiropractic treatment may be the right approach for you. 

Common Causes Of Neck Pain

When your muscles and ligaments come under strain, or when you have a pinched nerve in your neck, pain can develop. Common causes of neck pain include poor posture and trauma, such as your neck being jerked suddenly. As you age, your neck is susceptible to wear and tear, which is the manifestation of physical stress on your body over the years, and this can cause joint and tissue degeneration and lead to neck pain. Another common cause of neck pain is repetitive strain injury, which can cause inflammation in your neck when the muscles and ligaments are overused. Repetitive strain injury can occur if you have a job that requires frequent twisting or play certain sports, particularly racquet sports.  

Chiropractic Treatment

Chiropractors use a range of hands-on treatment techniques, such as stretching and thrusting, to apply pressure to your neck and free trapped nerves. The treatment approach aims to loosen tight muscles and ensure your neck is correctly aligned. These manual manipulations apply just the right amount of pressure to your neck to stimulate blood flow to the area, which can help reduce inflammation, and your chiropractor may also incorporate deep tissue massage to encourage healing.

Chiropractors take a holistic approach, and they will also assess your posture and give you advice for maintaining a healthy posture throughout your day. They can also show you some gentle, targeted exercises that are designed to strengthen your neck and reduce the risk of you developing neck pain in the future. You can do these exercises at home between appointments.

Most people, including pregnant women and children, can safely have chiropractic treatment, but there are some health conditions that will require chiropractors to alter their treatment approach. So, if you have any underlying health conditions, you should always disclose them before undergoing chiropractic treatment.

If you'd like to try chiropractic treatment for your neck pain, schedule an initial assessment appointment with your local chiropractor. 

For more info, contact a company like Goodwood Chiropractic.
