Relieve Your Lower Back Pains with These 3 Exercises

Posted on: 29 December 2016

Poor body posture, lifting heavy weights, and sometimes even wearing and walking in heels can lead to lower back pains. These pains are usually discomforting and may hinder you from doing other activities. Knowing what to do when you start having lower back pains is important. Fortunately, you can actually relieve your lower back pains with a series of exercises. Here are some of them and how they can help relieve the pains.

Child Pose

Lay a mat or blanket on the floor and kneel down on it.  Try to sit on your heels slowly and with your knees slightly wider than your hip distance apart, lean forward and start extending your arms forward. Stretch the arms as far as they can go while resting your head on the mat or blanket. Hold this position for a few seconds and repeat a couple of times. If you feel some pain while stretching, you can cross your arms on the blanket or mat while resting on the forearms. A child pose works to relieve the tension in the muscles of your lower back, which helps reduce the pain.

Hamstring Stretch

Lie on the mat facing up and grasp one of your legs just behind the knee with the knees bent. Try to straighten the knee gently with your toes pointing towards you. With the knee straightened, hold the position for a few seconds and repeat the procedure with the other leg. You can do this exercise for both legs at a time. While still lying on the mat with your legs up, simply run a towel under your feet and hold the two ends, one in each hand. Pull the ends towards you slowly to straighten your knees and hold for a couple of seconds. This exercise is especially important if the cause of the pains is bad posture, which tightens the hamstring muscles. The stretch helps loosen the muscles, which in turn helps with the pains.

Cobra Stretch

This exercise stretches your tight lower back muscles as well as the abdominal muscles, relieving you of the pains. Lie on the mat on your stomach and extend your legs behind. Put your palms on the mat while making sure your elbows as well as your forearms are lying flat on it. Start pushing your body upwards slowly such that your weight rests on the forearms. Make sure your hips remain on the ground and stretch as far up as you can. Hold the position for a few seconds and repeat the exercise daily.
