Reformer Pilates: Three Reasons to Sign Up for Classes

Posted on: 28 January 2020

Exercise is a meaningful way to enhance both your physical and mental well-being. If you are looking for a great way to get toned and have that perfect body shape, try reformer Pilates. Pilates has been in existence since the early 20th century. It started as part of physiotherapy for WWI patients who were bedridden. Today, reformer Pilates is very popular. Here are key reasons why you should try it too.  

Good for Your Back and Joints 

Pilates stabilizes your core. It reduces the strain in the back area and makes it more mobile. If you have lower back pain as a result of poor posture, Pilates is an excellent treatment option. Exercise is fun and takes places in a relaxed atmosphere. It makes it less stressful compared to going to the doctor. The enhanced core strength you get from Pilates betters your posture. Better posture prevents further strain. 

Pilates is a low-impact exercise, and you can easily do it even if you have joint pain. It will enhance mobility in your joints. With the reduced stiffness, your joint aches and pains will resolve. The equipment available means that you can move your joints without harming them. If you suffer arthritis, this is an excellent way to enhance flexibility and joint mobility. There is little risk involved.  

Good for Your Mental Health 

Exercise is excellent for the mind. John Pilates, the pioneer of reformer Pilates, emphasized the importance of breathing during Pilates sessions. There is a calming effect that accompanies regular deep breath. If you have had a stressful day, this can be very calming. Pilates also allows you to practice mindfulness. You can do this by engaging in self-reflection, spatial awareness and focusing on your breathing. You should also pay attention to your alignment and be aware of your inner energy. Mindfulness will help better your memory and lower your stress levels.  

Great for Your Heart and Blood Pressure 

Contemporary life is stressful. High levels of stress can cause your blood pressure to rise. Pilates is a low-impact exercise that can be very relaxing, as noted above. Pilates focuses on the core. Bear in mind that the larger your midriff circumference, the higher your blood pressure. Pilates will help reduce your weight and therefore lower your blood pressure. It also helps prevent cardiovascular problems.  


Pilates is an excellent exercise for you. Reformer Pilates will enhance your physical, mental and emotional well-being.  
